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NDIS Disability Services: Dispelling Myths

there are multiple myths regarding disability support services in Perth, leading people into confusion that need to be resolved in time

NDIS is an organization that assists disabled youth in Australia in the areas they find discomfort. However, there are multiple myths regarding disability support services Perth, leading people into confusion that need to be resolved in time. Members can get into a lot of trouble if they get anywhere near believing the myths as real. 

With the aim of washing off the complications linked with the myths regarding NDIS, we have rounded up a bunch of them, along with some reasons to avert you from believing them. 

NDIS paying for your holidays

There is no individual who does not love spending holidays in an environment away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, people are with a misconception that the NDIS will be paying for their holidays which is not anywhere near to being true. NDIS will only be funded in the areas that are reasonable to be funded for.

Plan money going directly into the bank.

The funds received by members under the NDIS do not get directly into your bank account. NDIS has strict rules regarding this part, and the funds are not connected directly to the member’s bank account. The funds you will be receiving from NDIS go into the nominated bank account and that too after a request has been made. 

Funds under NIDS are taxable.

Most people are with a misconception that the amounts they receive from NDIS get deducted with a certain tax amount which is a false statement. Every single penny you receive under NDIs is free from tax deductions, but the things you buy from them or the services you may enjoy may be included under the tax regiments. 

NDIS covers each and every need of the members

NDIS, without any doubt, is working in the interest of people with disabilities. However, there is no such thing that it will be dealing with all services you wish for if you are under this program. There is a limit to the help that NDIS provides to its members, and it is not liable to funding or covers everything that the members wish or demand. 

Final Words

Myths arise out of nowhere, and people start taking action according to these myths. When it comes to NDIS, these myths must be kept in mind before you plan to have disability support services in Perth.

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